Note: We have full features data on most cars from 2006 to 2018. If you don't see a model listed, we don't have this information for it.
Want to know which of two cars is more powerful? Which has more room inside? Perform a specs comparison to find out.
How do features compare? To see a full list of the standard and option features on both, perform a features comparison.
Know which features you want? Then head over to the price comparisons, where you can select which features to include on both cars and we'll then compare the prices before and after adjusting for feature differences. If you're a member, you can even specify how much to adjust the prices based on how much each specific feature is worth to you.
How much room is enough? A man of average height (5'9") requires at least 40 inches of front legroom, 35 inches of rear legroom, and 36 inches of headroom. For a taller person, divide the amount over 5'9" in half (unless most of their height is in their torso or their legs) and add that to these minimums.
Manufacturers can game these numbers a little, so take these specs with a grain of salt (or three). To verify how much roomy a car actually is (or isn't), first adjust the front seat so you're comfortable, then check the rear seat.
In hatchbacks, SUVs, and minivans, there are a number of different ways to measure cargo volume, so be especially careful with these specs. Usually cargo volume is measured all the way to the ceiling, so you can't use it all and still see out the back window. For this reason, 16 cu. ft. of cargo volume in a hatchback isn't as usable as a 16 cu. ft. trunk in a sedan. Sometimes, though, the manufacturer doesn't measure all the way up to the ceiling. If a cargo volume spec seems lower than it should be, this is probably why.
Also note that we don't vary specs by powertrain. If a car is available with both a hybrid and a conventional engine, cargo volume will be lower with the hybrid. Optional all-wheel-drive sometimes also affects cargo volume, fuel capacity, or both.
If a feature is listed as an option, hover over "option" to see which packages include it. To see what other features the package includes, check the option package contents section at the bottom of the standard and optional features page.