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Hyundai Elantra MPG

MPG Number of Vehicles
27 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
28 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
29 miles per gallon 2 vehicles
30 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
31 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
32 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
33 miles per gallon 2 vehicles
34 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
35 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
36 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
37 miles per gallon 0 vehicles
38 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
39 miles per gallon 1 vehicles
Model Year Body/Powertrain MPG  
2009 2009 4dr Sedan 148-hp 1.8L I4 6-sp manual FWD 33.53
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With the 150-horsepower 2.0L I4 engine, 6-speed manual transmission, and front-wheel drive, the 2009 Hyundai Elantra has been averaging 33.53 MPG (miles per gallon).

The 2009 Hyundai Elantras in this analysis were driven mostly on the highway at an average speed of 64 miles per hour (about 61 percent of the miles driven). The rest of the miles were in the city (25.2 percent), in heavy traffic (1 percent), and in the suburbs (0 percent).

In addition, the average 2009 Hyundai Elantra in this analysis was driven on hilly terrain with a medium foot and the AC not used at all.
2009 2009 4dr Sedan 148-hp 1.8L I4 6-sp shiftable automatic FWD 31.38
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What Our Members Are Saying about the Real Gas Mileage of the 2009 Hyundai Elantra

2009 Hyundai Elantra Real Gas Mileage: Pros
2010 4dr Sedan 138-horsepower 2.0L I4
4-speed automatic FWD
We average about 31 mpg. see full Hyundai Elantra review
2010 4dr Sedan 138-horsepower 2.0L I4
4-speed automatic FWD
I get about 30 mpg mixed driving which I consider pretty good see full Hyundai Elantra review
2009 4dr Sedan 138-horsepower 2.0L I4
4-speed automatic FWD
not bad see full Hyundai Elantra review
2009 4dr Sedan 138-horsepower 2.0L I4
4-speed automatic FWD
I keep fueling record and I get 36 miles per gallons so far ever since i purchased this vehicle. see full Hyundai Elantra review
2008 4dr Sedan 138-horsepower 2.0L I4
4-speed automatic FWD
My car gets very good gas mileage. Approx. 30 miles to the gallon in town and 35 miles to the gallon on interstate/highway driving. see full Hyundai Elantra review
2008 4dr Sedan 138-horsepower 2.0L I4
4-speed automatic FWD
Good gas mileage! see full Hyundai Elantra review
2008 4dr Sedan 138-horsepower 2.0L I4
4-speed automatic FWD
gets great gas mileage 28-32 hwy see full Hyundai Elantra review
2008 4dr Sedan 138-horsepower 2.0L I4
5-speed manual FWD
I like how it gets about 36 mpg at 60 mph with the AC off. see full Hyundai Elantra review
2008 4dr Sedan 138-horsepower 2.0L I4
4-speed automatic FWD
It was in the high 20s, but winter drove it down to the mid twenties. see full Hyundai Elantra review
2008 4dr Sedan 138-horsepower 2.0L I4
4-speed automatic FWD
2008 Elantra SE is rated at 24/33 and, so far, I am averaging 25-28.8 mpg in around-town driving. see full Hyundai Elantra review
2009 Hyundai Elantra Real Gas Mileage: Cons
2009 4dr Sedan 138-horsepower 2.0L I4
4-speed automatic FWD
Engine is 132HP PZEV, not 138 SULEV. Diff in power seems smal but is significant for this car. Mileage worse AND power is less. Unfortunately, states dictate what you can get; CA emissions rule for PA = stupid cop-out/liberal cave-in to greenie-weenies see full Hyundai Elantra review

2009 Hyundai Elantra Gas Mileage (MPG)

Unlike other fuel economy surveys, TrueDelta's Real-World Gas Mileage Survey includes questions about how and where a car was driven. So you can get an idea of the Hyundai Elantra's real-world MPG based on how and where you drive a car.